I couldn't play today as my bike was awaiting spares (which turned up this morning) but I rode out to a favourite water hole and caught a few people on bikes... The Walkway is well under water and the ford is impassable at 10am
Cap'n Paul arriving at 11.37am
Leaders tend to lead...
Now for the one that the blackmail money wasn't paid fast enough...
Cap'n Slide Along!
-- Edited by Fixer on Saturday 17th of April 2010 12:02:45 PM
Nice one! This is one Devon lane I have never ridden,bad timing every time I have passed by. Tide time will play a greater part in my next ride-by.
Five Herts TRF followed me for eight hours today and saw eighty of our lanes over one hundred and ten miles.Spent lots of time in the garage this week,wasn't sure I'd make the start line,only 60 miles on a rebuilt engine,no time spent route planning.Well,one minute just before we set off to decide a direction anyway.On a whim we went along; 202-174 172 129 More gates than I remember 127 122 Access road closed for repair so rode down instead of uphill 121 338 120 106 084 Sporting a large boulder at it's northern end since the farmer was woken at night once too many times by 4wd wannabees stuck in the mud needing a tow,he's ok with us 2 wheelers. 085 Delightfully technical these days.Line selection really matters. 086 Only one gate today. 076 Disaster! They repaired it! A quarter mile gravel path. 041 Loose rocks 042 Loose dartmoor ponies! 001 Short but sweet.Another pony sidled away as we reached the top. 191-096 Followed three ponies almost all the way along. 085 No dogs today 086 First and only badger of the day.A ktm pilot aboard a crf took to the bank.Hand guards paid for themselves. 084 Drink and view stop. 083 073 068 069 Water only half way up the stones 080 View splendid. 075 Recovering from the onslaught of forestry vehicles.Ford closed by boulders. 076 Technical,muddy and rocky fun 077 Dry and easy,everyone made it up easily.Clattered my ankle here yesterday and it's black and blue and the second buckle on my left boot will only go onto the second clip,DOH! 081 Enjoyed looking down on the factory I don't have to work in this weekend 091 101 090 followed by a little ford 112 not slippery today 088 easy,unusually 087 smooth 089 dry 101 102 103 lunch at mcdonalds,not haute cuisine but quick'n'easy.39 lanes,65 miles four and a half hours. 202-028 Dog walkers heaven C-071 sports fresh tarmac repair near roundhouse. 051 dry hard ruts 062 branch strewn rocky section precedes dogleg gullied climb dodging overhanging ivy. 053 dry hairpins decidedly not slippery,only one wet puddle. 034 Shotgun wielding native wandering alongside his hound at far end. 019 First view of river teign (T2T remember) 020 swapping sides as the gulley meanders 388 021 022 329 Just to stand on the trig point and look at the viiews.Dartmoor lost from view in the haze,ironic considering how clearly we could see from up there a few miles ago. 023 sinuous rocky descent 340 link from coast road 037 now sports a "To'Footpath sign.Maybe the helpful 'To' prefix on the footpath sign will prove helpful since the old 'Footpath' sign pointing down the unclassified county road towards the footpath which starts some way along the road,and situated as the law requires on the nearest tarmac road did tend to make folk question our driving along a way clearly marked footpath. 343 dry grippy steps on the corner,no-one on the swing over the steps before the cross roads at the bottom of 017 delightfully technical,everchanging 018 loose but flat 029 clear of overgrowth 031 bumpy as ever 347 032 downhill hedge recently layered 030 347 033 downhill hedge recently layered 052 someones bike stalled(would that be a possum?(bike playing dead?)) 061 views 060 hazy 069 soon to be lost to the kingskerswell bypass,recently despoiled with copious amounts of gravel 081 not much left now of the steps,nice tecnical loose stuff 080 loong downhill 079 drier than recently 102 right at end into 101 dry mud at bottom no puddles 099 easy when dry,still fun though 110 after that weightless feeling over the humpback bridge 111 113 322 295 deep dry ruts 143 narrow single rut 144 wet at end as usual 177 332 182 deep gulley at juction has eased somewhat 184 gate open already,unusally 198 met Tina's group,swapped stories and she and hers followed us along 197 110 miles and eight hours on we still have plenty left to discover tomorrow same time same faces same start place,different lanes
And my bike is run in now!
Terrific day out One badger One possum No squirrels No worries about same again tomorrow
-- Edited by Pete on Saturday 17th of April 2010 10:24:05 PM
Oh dear, glad Paul and bike are OK. I think there's a new DTRF sub group being formed - The Water Boys (with my water crossing record I'll probably qualify as chairman ).
Great day yesterday at the T2T, thanks to everyone involved and today (Sunday) too. There's just something great about rolling up at Wheeldon, bike, vans, tailers - and one of the best looking quads I've seen - everywhere, people raring to go, good banter and sun. The dust was REALLY bad in the afternoon, on some lanes I couldn't see the guy in front let alone where I was riding!!!