I must have subscribed to the H-C Travel Newsletter at some stage and it is interesting to see what is on offer and do a bit of day dreaming - see below
Hi, and greetings from H-C Travel!
Well, Spring is nearly here, and it almost feels like it too!
But ... it is also approaching that time of year when we have to start disappointing customers who haven't yet booked one of guided tours because the tour they want is no longer available (remember, unlike some companies, we limit the number of riders on our tours, so you get the best possible your experience and service). Availability for our self-guided tours and rentals is still pretty good at the moment.
So, if you think that might be you, or if you haven't decided where to go yet this summer, here's a 'top 5' suggestions list for you to consider before it is too late (I've deliberately ignored our flagship Route 66 tour, covered in MSL and Motorcycle Monthly recently, because that is too obvious!)
1. India, Ladakh High Roads - 13-30 June. Ride the 1st, 3rd and 5th highest passes in the World all in one tour, our 15th anniversary High Roads tour, in June, on our new Enfields. How good is that?!
2. USA, Ride magazine Wild West tour - 16-24 June, pls call us for details about this one off special tour commissioned by Ride magazine, probably our most inclusive tour to date, with everything taken care of, and so many things to do.
3. Mongolia, Vast Siberian Steppes Adventure - 09-24 July, if you think you know open spaces, think again