Looking for a nice low mileage ttr250 there is a nice one on the forum but its in hertfordshire,looking for one a bit more local to exeter if poss budget up to 2k.
Well you need to contact mr TTR on this forum, send him a p.m. mate
I think he has one or two knocking about
'He who dares wins'trf member ;-) qy100112bw
PM sent.
wackyracer wrote:Well you need to contact mr TTR on this forum, send him a p.m. mate I think he has one or two knocking about
Nice to get the recommendation Wacky but sold that lovely blue low mileage TTR last week. Nothing more in the pipeline for a few weeks.
Victor has a cracking TTR that he might be persuaded to sell
Exeter area - Devon TRF Group memberhttp://www.ttr250.com
http://ttr250.activeboard.com/ - THE forum for TTR250 owners
Try here, http://devongtrf.activeboard.com/t42985935/ttr250-for-sale/
Not Everyone Can Wear Orange.
Try dropping Dan Fulord a PM i think he might be getting rid of his!!
Have you got dans contact details please.
PM'ed you