The bike was great, did a five hundred mile day in the saddle on the way home. Filled up every 190 miles, ridding at 75ish mph. I took the bike on a dusty track with pot holes and it is just to dam heavy. I have the benefit of lanky legs but it's a bit scary. If the front was to wash out then that would be the end off it. No chance of sticking your leg out to hold the bike up. You could do a "long way round" OK, but with luggage it would be at a slow pace.
Any kind of long semi off road trip would be best done on a 650 single (in my opinion).
But the 950 is a great touring bike !
And it was sunny, just not in the pics posted. Here is a sunny shot or two.............................
It is a lovely area, done some camping tween santandare and bibao and even took a day trip over into france.
Did you do Picos mountains?
Don't know, I just followed the bloke with the map. I'm such a heathen. I think it was the pyrenees foot hills, about 1200 meters above sea level, tops.