............ that failed a machine because the lights were taped up ?
oh yes, its true, said that less than 50% light was coming from them,
ME : yes i want it tested with with no lights thats why i taped them up!
TESTER :but i can see them through the tape !
ME :did you turn them on because i didn't ride here with them on?
TESTER : the bulbs blown in the rear brake light , if you had fixed that i would have passed it!
ME: but there's no switch on the front brake, thats why i taped up the lights............
TESTER: that doesn't matter it only needs one brake light !!
And.......... i got an advisory for no indicators fitted !!!
I despair, wont name the station but its in Paignton, stay well clear!
This inspection applies to:all machines, except those which have neither front nor rear position lamps, or have such lamps permanentlydisconnected,painted over or masked that are ·only used during daylight hours, and ·not used at times of seriously reduced visibility If this situation occurs the machine presenter should be issued with a VT32 (advisory notice) recording the above
-- Edited by OTT on Monday 28th of May 2012 08:27:50 PM
... and as far as I'm aware, there's only 1 bike MOT test station in Paignton lol. I guess that would be him then.
Took my girlfriends lads Speedfight there last Saturday. Passed with ease - but not sure I'd take the KTM there.
Was quite funny after this as rode into Torquay with my 11 year old on the back. The bike has got 'L' plates on. At one point we heard a Police car behind us with lights/sirens on. As he just got past us (we'd pulled to the left) he suddenly slammed on his brakes. The window came down and a red faced officer shouted at me "Get him off the back, you havent got a licence!". To which I immediately shouted back "No, And I do have a licence!". He was obviously on a real call so had to leave straight away, but his going was slowed by the amount of Saturday traffic -- so off we zoomed and stayed behind him for the next 1/4 of a mile until he turned off. That was sooooo funny. I dont normally condone playing with the law, but couldnt help that one.
And sorry for hijacking the thread with that story..................lol
I can think of two MOT places in Paignton: one in Preston and one at Roselands. I think AMS may lso test bikes but I've never used them.
The one in Preston lost my confidence when they failed my Serow for "an ineffective front brake" and "a badly worn disc" with the comment that: "the disc should be about 7mm thick" . All of which was ball ****s as I could virtually lock the front wheel and the contact area was so little worn it was still the same thickness as the steel it had been stamped from. I took it to the 'other' MOT place in Paignton who passed it. The consensus was that the original tester had no experience of testing a bike with knobblies and thought even 225cc trail bikes should have the same thickness discs as his Hyabusa. I now use the Roselands tester for all my cars and bikes.
Roselands being the one up on the Brixham Road behind friend computers? If so i have friends who take cars and bikes there and they are fine, this one is not the preston one,(who i would never ask to test a bike,had dealings similar with John in the past) but further into Paignton and has only been testing for 12 months.
This inspection applies to: all machines except those which either have no front or rear position lamps or have such lamps permanently disconnected, painted over or masked that are . only used during daylight hours, and . not used at times of seriously reduced visibility
If this situation occurs the machine presenter should be issued with an advisory notice recording the above and it should also be recorded on the carbon copy of the VT20.
Statutory reflectors Mopeds and motor bicycles require one unobscured red reflector which is aligned to the vehicles longitudinal centre line and is positioned to reflect squarely to the rear. If the motorcycle is fitted with a side car the side car will also require a reflector fitted towards the nearside and positioned to reflect squarely to the rear.
Extra reflectors fitted to a motorcycle are not included in this inspection.
Reflecting and Retroreflective tape must NOT be regarded as a substitute for an obligatory reflector.
Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!
Oh hmm Well where i go its horn and reflector on the plate.
I suspect you go to the same place as me and they have a thing about reflectors on rear plates, I've got them stuck on every bike that's been in there but for the sake of £1 it's not worth argueing. They used to be 50p!
To qualify for a daytime MOT your bike must have neither front nor rear position lamps, or have such lamps permanently disconnected, painted over or masked. This applies to headlamps, position lamps and indicators. The situation with stop lamps is significantly more complicated. Machines do not need to have a stop lamp fitted if they cannot exceed 25mph, were first used before 1st January 1936 or were first used before 1st April 1986 and do not exceed 50cc. Those first used before 1st April 1986 must have a stop lamp that operates from at least one brake control and those used on or after that date must have a stop lamp operated from both brakes. There is an added if not widespread complication for bikes first used from 1st April 1986 which were approved with a stop lamp activated by one control. There were very few of these and test inspectors are instructed to fail a bike only if they are certain the stop lamp was designed to be operated by both brake controls and isnt.
Your bike must be fitted with a rear reflector and an audible warning device, typically an electrical horn, which must be loud enough to be heard by another road user.
You do need a reflector and horn, regardless whether it has a full or daytime MOT cert. Thats the law even pushbikes legally have to be sold with a reflector and bell although frequently they are not just go buy from bicycles r us aka Halfords, but its not illegally for a pushbike to be ridden without (bit dumb that), motorcycle is though
if you take a bike for mot without lights (ie day time mot ) it is not a requirment to have a reflector fitted, what would the point be as you will not be out at night therefore it would be pretty useless
if you take a bike for mot without lights (ie day time mot ) it is not a requirment to have a reflector fitted, what would the point be as you will not be out at night therefore it would be pretty useless
The reply i got was parking on the roadside at night.
if you take a bike for mot without lights (ie day time mot ) it is not a requirment to have a reflector fitted, what would the point be as you will not be out at night therefore it would be pretty useless
The reply i got was parking on the roadside at night.
Thats does not make sense either seeing you dont have a reflector on the front.
Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!
It states so on the Road traffic act lighting regs and stipulates so on the MOT manual. Should know that really.
However I would advocate that putting a reflector on is a good idea anyway as if you were to get caught out near sunset and the light fading and chucking it down with rain it might just mean the difference between getting safely home or run over by an articulated truck
So if you travel along a road at night and come across a obstacle or a bad bend is approaching they quite often have reflective discs on a post to highlight the bend or obstruction
usually red coloured disc for the left hand side and white if its on the other side of the carriage way to simulate an on coming car
bicycles use to come with reflectors on front and rear along with orange reflectors on pedals
if you take a bike for mot without lights (ie day time mot ) it is not a requirment to have a reflector fitted, what would the point be as you will not be out at night therefore it would be pretty useless
Theres not much point in having catseyes in the centre of the road durring the day neither, i'm glad they're there though
if you take a bike for mot without lights (ie day time mot ) it is not a requirment to have a reflector fitted, what would the point be as you will not be out at night therefore it would be pretty useless
Theres not much point in having catseyes in the centre of the road durring the day neither, i'm glad they're there though
Surely you're not allowed out at night as well Ian ??
Lock your doors people. Lol.