after much thought and failure to sell at the price i want iv decided to keep the ccm !!! after all 2 days solid riding and bouncing it off the limiter through the gears it still survives and is as strong as suprised how well on fuel it is and tbh its suprisingly nice to ride. iv fallen for the ccm junker !!!
anyway i was curious as to if i could fit a diffrent engine in her. the chain is on the left and there is a huge dr650 block in the ccm so i was curious if anything else would fit with a bit of welding and maybe a few brackets :)..i wouldnt mind a high powered engine in there something cool and loud. without changing to much. now these arnt really a common bike but with a few decent parts on it like wps shock ktm forks and yolks and brembo brakes i think these should be a more common bike !!!
any suggestions or has anyone heard of a decent engine that would fit in there :) ?
all your thoughts and suggestions will be taken into account and considered cheers !!!!
i was thinking about it but from previous expierance with bore kits i belive them to make the engine tempermental haha. was thinking about a new block jack like completely diffrent bandit engine maybe gsxr ? something cool :) something that will be loud and 100 mph + with out struggle :)