They both cost the same but Fully Comp has maditory £400 excess but TPFT only has £100.
Previously I had decided theft was unlikley as this is a safe area and my bike is very well locked (plus who'd want it lol). Now I bike/camp more so my bike gets left with just a disk lock so could be more likely to get lifted.
Most likley accident (RTA) I can imagine would be on a single track country lane and would be a low speed head on (have had several near misses like this already).
In this instance it would most likley be "knock for knock" so there would be no pay out if TPFT but some payout if Fully comp However there wouldn't be any point in claiming if there is a £400 ecess?
I could buy a whole front end for less than that on fleabay.
Just had my insurers on the phone, got two bikes cheaper than I paid for one for most of last year. Bleddy con though, excess on both bikes is £500 a peice, when I expressed surprise ("holy f*ck!") she said it's because of fraudulent claims put in by people so honest riders have to pay for that. As bad as bankers, solicitors and the rest
fully comp.5 years no license for 26 years.instructor/star rider £55 breakdown is £4 month.did not tell insur about any mods but they did know the e model was competition model.
insure through swinton bikes.Zenith freedom bike policy.