I would be very interested in helping with this as have sent many letters to the PROW on this lane trying to get it reopened (read my previous post on this lane in ROW) This is my last e mail from PROW
Dear Mr Bentley,
Thank you for your report. I apologise for the delayed response, it appears the email was sent to the wrong person and I have only just received it. The lane you mention is an Unclassified county road, commonly referred to as a green lane. DCC are aware of the current obstructions and have begun proceedings to address the matter. We have held meetings with the landowner, and are allowing him a reasonable time to respond. It is important to point out that this UCR is a dead end (no through route), at the point where it meets the Brixton footpath No.2. As such, through access is only available to pedestrians. It has taken some time to confirm this legal status and provide clear evidence to the landowner.
It is possible that proceedings may be protracted but DCC are currently dealing with it. I hope you will see a resolution on the ground in the near future.
Peter Guy
Peter Guy Public Rights of Way Warden
Public Rights of Way Devon County Council Devon House Brunel Road Newton Abbot .. TQ12 4PB Tel: 01752 898209 or 0845 155 1004 Fax:01392 380199