I've got some mates who decided to go greenlaning on their C90's yesterday, part of the same crew who rode from London to Snowdonia(Dragon Rally) in 14 hours at minus five, then once there rode around in the frozen gloop with just a mankini at minus 10. Very funny really, especially as he was showing up all the big beemer riders on their GS's getting stuck (in fact I'll try and dig the vid out)
Culmstock area - Devon TRF Group member - KTM 690 Enduro
May I remind you what that works honda c90 did to us TRF folk at whiteway Barton it still sends shivers down my spine its not right I tell you brrrrrrrrr!!!
love this, great stuff, respect! , in the 70s my dad used to take me to cubs on the back of his C90 , me sat on the back under his esso donkey jacket, different times, good memories
I used to go and do the shoping on one for my mum and dad, I was only 14 at the time, tiyed a fish box on the back making the front very light when filled, not good memories!
ok look out lost is going down memory lanes again here folks ive just come off you-tube after watching a 1973 ISDE vid think air cooled twin shock and a mighty six inchs of suspension travel pentons thats american KTM jawas bmw triumphs etc and just thinking out load ,and you want to make any lane more challenging ride a older bike ,the steeds being rode now make every lane alot easeir for everyone and each year and so on sos when i noted some old guy going sidways on full chat on grass at a twinshock event much respect ,and again long distance trails on a mz, well you get what i mean puts a diff perspective clearing devils steps on a jawa twin ? bike or rider ? so are you up to that sort of challenge so get your c90 out lol lost p.s i road a 1976 aircooled ktm 250 enduro once years ago very light on the front end on/ off power band scary as hell never again ?