Can anyone tell me the name of the road? Or give a grid reference?
A large tree fell across it in the late 1980s blocking it to cars, although the stump has rotted away now. It doesn't have a number and seems to have been removed from DCC maintained roads list too, although the No Through Road sign remains and it is not on the Definitive map.
It perhaps deserves to be added to the No Status list.
I had friends who lived at the Higher Lincombe Road end about 30 odd years ago and I remember aged 17 driving my dads prized old Triumph Vitesse up there on L-plates, on one of my 'lessons' with my 17 year old mate, who'd just passed his car test, as my 'supervisor'.
He knew what the road was like and just sat there grinning. It looks a lot narrower now though.