I fancy having a go at an endure race, devon preferred, any advice please.
Ads wrote:Dunmere, Bodmin, on the 13 oct, but be quick as it soon will be full.
Dunmere, Bodmin, on the 13 oct, but be quick as it soon will be full.
will try and book it now, cheers ads.
Just googled it and can't find it, help!
Exeter area - Devon TRF Group memberhttp://www.ttr250.com
http://ttr250.activeboard.com/ - THE forum for TTR250 owners
Cheers Brian
Just sent them an email, you entering?
Think I will need to speak to you soon, about all thing's blue.
Still taking entries for Weston beach race.
I feel the need..........
Wheely wrote:Still taking entries for Weston beach race.
That looks good
ttr steve wrote:Cheers BrianJust sent them an email, you entering?Think I will need to speak to you soon, about all thing's blue.Steve
Too unfit for enduros Steve but have some good memories of Bratton so might make the effort to get up to the practice day there.