Coming to a hill near you! then that will give the antis some think to shout about. Might turn your old bike into one of those Doug, all I need is some rocket fuel.
Interesting but it is like comparing American footballer's to Rugby, all flash and show but do they have the go. I suppose something similar would be the Red Marley except we go 4 at a time nearly all of them on 50 year old bikes.
I took the kids a couple of years ago, first race over a large jump, one of the guys knocked himself out on the handle bars. The bike kept going up the hill for another 15 or 20 feet before he slid off the side. Twenty minute break while they took him away in the ambulance and they started again, 3 races later the same jump same thing happened again but this time we had to wait an hour for the first ambulance to get back, not allowed to race with out an ambulance on stand by. Great day out and the oldest class was pre 1920's all bikes rode the same hill just some faster.