I'm just about to solder in 2 NOS charge coils for my 77 YZ 250, soldering the connectors is easy but the terminal box they are in needs to be filled with something like epoxy after I've soldered them - any idea what I should use?
-- Edited by devondan on Wednesday 21st of May 2014 10:02:08 PM
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
How about that, even at my age, you can learn something every day. I wouldn't have had a clue either Dan. I've seen the black stuff in situ thousands of times but had no idea what it was called.
Did they use Pitch/Tar at one time or is that completely wrong?
How about that, even at my age, you can learn something every day. I wouldn't have had a clue either Dan. I've seen the black stuff in situ thousands of times but had no idea what it was called.
Did they use Pitch/Tar at one time or is that completely wrong?
Yes but only with wooden flywheels!
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
We used to use it in work for cable heads and joints......mostly done with heatshrink now, did lead joints and pot heads as well. I used to enjoy doing them
Makes me feel old thinking back I can also remember using one of these (mox iron) strapped to the top of many a rickety old telegraph pole with an old leather pole belt and set of climbing irons H&S police would go bonkers now a days
Used to stick a cartridge in the end and light it, it would go off like a firework and catch your sleeve on fire
Sorry way off topic
-- Edited by jt on Thursday 22nd of May 2014 09:35:09 PM