Rich the chances are virgin don't have a fiber or cable network out at okehampton ( if I'm wrong I'm sure jt will correct me and I apologize )
My virgin broadband was very similar so in the end I switched to BT and it's running at over 10M all the time. The way I see it if your IP doesn't own the line your more likely to get a second class service.
Nothing, thats about right for the area you are in..
ADSL = Asymmetric digital subscriber line.
The marketing reasons for an asymmetric connection are that, firstly, most uses of internet traffic will require less data to be uploaded than downloaded. For example, in normal web browsing a user will visit a number of web sites and will need to download the data that comprises the web pages from the site, images, text, sound files etc. but they will only upload a small amount of data, as the only uploaded data is that used for the purpose of verifying the receipt of the downloaded data or any data inputted by the user into forms etc. This provides a justification for internet service providers to offer a more expensive service aimed at commercial users who host websites, and who therefore need a service which allows for as much data to be uploaded as downloaded. File sharing applications are an obvious exception to this situation. Secondly internet service providers, seeking to avoid overloading of their backbone connections, have traditionally tried to limit uses such as file sharing which generate a lot of uploads.
Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!
Ask the ISP provider to conduct a line test, this will need checking to see if there is a fault at the exchange/line to house. Is the address in oke or in the sticks ?
-- Edited by doug9270 on Friday 25th of July 2014 07:11:35 AM
Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!
Is the property new or old ? any added extension leads with router on the end will also cause slow down. Best to plugin router at the main telephone socket where it enters house, disconnect all other phones and filters if fitted and speed test again.
Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!
Is the property new or old ? any added extension leads with router on the end will also cause . slow down. Best to plugin router at the main telephone socket where it enters house, disconnect all other phones and filters if fitted and speed test again.
Update, manage to get rid of three connection boxes between incoming cable and main bt box. Speed now settled between 8 and 10 download and something sensible upload. Job jobbed
Is the property new or old ? any added extension leads with router on the end will also cause . slow down. Best to plugin router at the main telephone socket where it enters house, disconnect all other phones and filters if fitted and speed test again.
Update, manage to get rid of three connection boxes between incoming cable and main bt box. Speed now settled between 8 and 10 download and something sensible upload. Job jobbed
Cool, my invoice is in the post !!
Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!
Is the property new or old ? any added extension leads with router on the end will also cause . slow down. Best to plugin router at the main telephone socket where it enters house, disconnect all other phones and filters if fitted and speed test again.
Update, manage to get rid of three connection boxes between incoming cable and main bt box. Speed now settled between 8 and 10 download and something sensible upload. Job jobbed