The below text or story dialog clearly shows the importance of submitting a 'Run sheet' or run record simply coz it just helps with communication on getting things done plus the all important signage
If the BW sign goes un amended then someone will clearly have the visual thing to start a complaint about illegal riding
whether you know your in your legal right or not the public will see it other wise and may phone the police
Communication is best so get them run records in with any un usual discrepancies sorted
Just had a run sheet which contained this comment for 192-341:
"I didnt take this lane as the sign at the Eastern end where it joins the road said Public Bridleway I have a feeling that someone may have removed the word To from the sign as there were some marks on the green background before the word Public"
The 'To' sticker is clearly visible on Google Streetview.
From this
PROW + Sidmouth P3 have been mailed about the update