I am using Google Maps to plan a French trail riding and sightseeing holiday but am struggling with the way Google treats locations.
I have marked our definite stop overs and stays as Favourites so they show on the map as a gold star. However, when you click on them they only show the address which, to someone with my limited memory span, isn't that useful when looking at them a few weeks later
Is there any way to give these places a meaningful name e.g. Ride Limousin rather than 1 Les Hommes?
Google also seems to have altered the way you get directions so that it is no longer easy to swap locations back and forth and to add "vias". I guess everything has been "simplified" to work on mobiles
Bri, Have used viewranger to do the same sort of thing as Nick suggests, it can export a final route in different file types and does have some off road tracks when you view in the 'cycle map' view.
Its easily switched between satellite view and cycle map to check routes 'on the ground'. I used it to quite good effect when we traversed the Pyrenees via mainly 'off road' routes.