When I had my trailer I used ordinary ratchet straps - one from each side of the handle bar to the trailer and one over the back wheel. I used a fork saver (made one, a bit of wood that tied to the wheel ) and when ratcheted down the bike was rock solid. After a bit of practice I could load/unload the bike on my own.
Tool station, item no: 35959, £13.34.
Set of four, you only need 2 at a time or use 2 per side as an insurance.
Personally I only use two no.
Some people tie the backwheel down, I dont, I have never had a problem in many thousands of miles all over the country.
In my opinion the singular most important thing that is required is a decent quality bungee between the straps, just above the front mudguard that connects the buckle on each strap.
This bungee should be sufficiently stretched so that when the bike moves around the straps are always kept in tension.
I also use strap loops around the bars, makes it easier to connect upper hook of strap to the bike and also stops the bar being marked and straining cables and wiring etc.
By using the bungee, it means that the straps dont have to be pulled down silly tight / risk of failure / strain on front suspension / no need for fork saver.
All of this is easily done single handed.
Cheers for the top advice again! Proper!
I work as a sports coach and currently drive a mini! I need a bigger car maybe van for equipment! Any genuine, smallish vans capable of taking a bike? Under £4000 would be ideal!
As Doug said .... be very very wary of using ratchet straps to hold the front end down. I have seen the aftermath of someone who did, and didn't appreciate the forces involved. They were lucky to not have ended up in a serious condition in A&E. Ask me sometime and I'll tell you.
I have been using a car and trailer to move my bikes since the late 70's. In that time I have honed the system to a fine one handed art of loading and unloading. It takes a couple of minutes. If you are going to the TRF day next Sunday I will happily show you. Everyone has their own way of doing it, so talk to a few that have been doing it on a regular basis.
Politicians are like nappies. They need changing often, and usually for the same reason.