I recently acquired a TTR raid which I am currently sorting out; and wondered if anyone had a set of tyres lurking in their shed/garage/workshop that would be suitable.
The bike will mostly be ridden on the road so it is more road focused tyres I am after, the ones that everyone changes for decent off-road rubber almost immediately and never goes back to!
thank you for the kind offer, but I am really after something more road orientated, otherwise I would jump at the chance. I am sure there will be someone who could better use the MT43 that will relieve you of it.
the trail wing should be ideal, I am pretty sure I had them on a DRZ 400 a few year ago, I fell off that the first time I went in the mud, but it was fine on the tarmac and a bit of gravel.
the trail wing should be ideal, I am pretty sure I had them on a DRZ 400 a few year ago, I fell off that the first time I went in the mud, but it was fine on the tarmac and a bit of gravel.
Trial wings are ok on tarmac with about 30 psi and equally ok away from tarmac with about 15psi
An Mt43 will also be ok on tarmac with enough pressure in it, 25 to 30 psi should work well enough on the road, although you can expect the knobs to fall off it if you keep riding at motorway speeds. For A or B road work it should be fine. Drop it to 12 psi for muddy conditions.
An MT43 lasts for 2,500 to 4,000 miles on my CRM250 and should give closer to 4,000 miles on a TTR250
It is the only crossply trials tyre I know of and has harder rubber than the radial tyres the proper trials bikes use