Installed in May 2018 with the Sid P3 team, all materials were lugged up there by hand (before quad days) digger tracks supplied by Bradfords + MT 43's supplied by various trail riders who donated their tyres - Bless them
The hand rail was installed at the same time too, with half rounds on top and under screwed for the durability
We won some valid credit from Devon PRoW for having innovative ideas plus the sustainable use without forgetting the recycling method of using old digger tracks along with motorcycle tyres
Although good ideas with the MT43's they were hard to get your fingers in to pack the tyres with material, the plus side is they are so EASY on the knees when walking on, simply cos they give a little bounce thus creating a soft cushion effect, non slip hopefully. Car tyres will be the next plan of use with maybe some home made Oak in the mix somewhere
Thanks for posting up Rog, hope you enjoyed the wonderful work, oh all that was there before was a slippery slope and lethal when wet