Nice Tavy, Lydford run today, around 130miles and lots of decent lanes, we even did peek hill which we used to call the Toughest lane in Devon, I dont think Ive done it for over three years and it didnt look like anyone else had either a bit of clearing was needed at the start and finish,it got us puffing a bit. Angel steps was greasy and interesting for some luckily I got the tides right for Lowell dam as these days you wouldnt ride the granite walkway as quiet a few are still missing.
Peek hill is a nice long deep trench just wide enough for the bars in places- shoulder deep when I last rode it. probably no turning back once you get in there.
gets the heart rate up- plenty of huffing and puffing. Thanks for doing a bit of clearing up there - the brambles can get quite savage.
Is the black slurry pumping pipe still accross the stream at the half way stage.