It did the same to me at the start of the AGM when I tried to log in. 5 minutes later, it was working fine.
No Devon members are involved in the background workings of GRM, only the input of lane information.
If you have a problem with access to GRM then email :
If you have any lane description updates or photos for Devon's lanes then forward them to :
If you have any lane descriptionupdates or photos for lanes outside of Devon, then there is a relevant email contact address on each lane description page.
In any case, I've just logged into GRM and it is working fine.
You can get Error messages quite a lot of the time...try & 'log out' then 'log back in' as the system doesn't know if you've 'logged out' if just closing the tab or page
The GRM is in the process of being moved to a new platform that has higher security this maybe the reason for the problems. If the problems persists send me a pm or put up post here and I will take it up with the GRM team