Edit: I meant to say, I suspect this is not news to anyone as there were plenty of bike tracks on the trail..
I emailed this to Devon GRM, but thought users may be interested. I wanted to post in the overlay description forum but I am not allowed in there.
I rode Dandy Lane 5229 just north of Exeter today.
The current description on the GRM from 2018 "Lane has been graded, it's gone from fairly challenging to 'standard farm lane'', is now out of date.
The grading has washed out in the middle such that there is a stoney gully down the middle that is 40cm deep in places. The top (southern end) of the lane is the worst, where each side is flat due to 4wd or polaris use but only a tyres width so hard to ride as your bars keep hitting the trees and hedges. This brings the risk of falling into the gully. I rode the gully but it was feet up and a few drops and some big loose stones.
I attach a picture, which was taken lower down where it got easier.
I'll pop back tomorrow and get a better pic of the top part.
-- Edited by wlm on Saturday 18th of January 2025 07:22:08 PM
-- Edited by wlm on Saturday 18th of January 2025 10:04:54 PM
-- Edited by wlm on Saturday 18th of January 2025 10:05:40 PM
Many of our overlay, and therefore GRM lane descriptions are getting quite old and may need updating, so it's great you've taken time to get in contact, and also provide a photo via the GRM email address.
Many of our overlay, and therefore GRM lane descriptions are getting quite old and may need updating, so it's great you've taken time to get in contact, and also provide a photo via the GRM email address.
Quite correct and that's why we always request feedback on lane condition, conflicts, etc. with run sheet or track log submissions as that's the only manner in which we can can keep the advice provided with the overlays current.
Also, while the GRM number is useful, the TRF lane number is more beneficial to those using the overlays so can we also have that please?
Do you mean this number? Dandy Lane, Exeter - Devon ref 192-081 Or on qwerf its 1363? Also what are "the overlays" ? Is this another source of info/map I need to know about? I currently use the GRM and QWERF to find trails.
-- Edited by wlm on Sunday 19th of January 2025 03:45:52 PM
-- Edited by wlm on Sunday 19th of January 2025 03:54:32 PM
You were sent a group Welcome email on 6th October 2024, check your email junk folder for it.
The email has an attachment containing a great deal of information about the group, including our group lane numbering system and the overlays and how to receive a copy of the overlays from John L.
If you have emptied your junk folder, let me know, and I'll send another email.
-- Edited by Tribey on Monday 20th of January 2025 10:23:56 PM
The overlays are provided on request to current TRF members for 'overlaying' onto mapping software such as Memory Map enabling them to plan and draw onscreen the route of a run they intend to make. This may then be exported as a gpx file for uploading to whatever portable GPS device they may use.
As already said, the overlays contain brief descriptions of the lanes to give the rider an idea of what they may expect to find on the ground but this relies on regular feedback of comments accompanying the run sheets or track logs submitted to me on completion of the run.
Jan 2025: "Ridden south to north. Recently washed out. There is a small gulley at the top end now, and the lower part of the lane is a lot more rocky and churned up. Ridden north to south. A great technical climb with the choice of a rocky rut or muddy tracks. A real challenge"
Thanks to Mike for the feedback on the run sheet submitted for his ride this weekend.
I don't want to be a kill joy BUT this could go the same way as other green roads if we are not careful
We avoided getting stuck in to completing proper repairs on lower Gipsies lane for yrs, we completed some tasks but leaving it for the weather to erode has caused some bad ruts and one deep drop off vertical challenge, yes water erosion beat us......this is how it starts
Everyone enjoyed the challenge of riding the extreme conditions that water erosion provided along with a few other nice green roads. These few have Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTRO, Closed) on them, shame for sure.
This is how it starts, single rut that presents itself to be a challenge to ride, fun yes!
There is not endless amounts of money in the pot for future repairs