After a set of trousers like I used to have - RFX. Question is, are they all the same? Looking at these below, but the RFX were fantasticly waterproof, even when standing in Kilmingtons finest ford
Yeah finally got around to the edit job on some video footage, great laugh as you would expect from me Thanks to me mate chucka for following him around he was having a bad day for falling off (more so than me if you can believe that) Video with a bit of difference with loads of fun and plenty of riders in th...
Evening folks, Just enquireing before i get a quote from a courier if anybody was going upto chesterfield area in the next few weeks ? As i would like some wheels collecting from there, some tokens available Mark
Flying out to Malaga for a couple of days trail riding with Baz and Kaz at the Adventure Riding Centre with my bro' Trev and son Matt. Our steeds will be 2013 Husabergs but rumour has it they are pure orange under their yellow/blue skin The reason for my post is to ask for advice on a typical EasyJet fiasc...
After some kit;- Size 9 mx boots. Size large body armour. Decent laning jacket. Trousers. Got a mate who has just purchased a CRF230 and needs some kit to get on the lanes!
im looking for one of these if anyone has one, just to put a mt43 on for events! an mt43 will last me years and i just can't be bothered changing to and fro all the time!
HI i know its along shot but im looking for a bike for green laning 250cc ish for under £500 so please look in the back of your sheds, i dont mind doing some work on it but no restoration projects thank. jamie.
Being a bit of a bike tart, I'm now hoping to have found 'The one'! I've been after a greenlaner, but also something that will travel at speed on the tarmac with camping gear etc. So all you orange brigade out there, please forgive my previous hitherto's! It's only just over a year old, with only 670 runni...
Sit rep,,
What - 2 x pax riding KTMs
Where- lee mill nr building site riding east
When- 10:24hrs 27/10/12
What Am i doing about it- currently aving a brew in site office, Iv got eyes on the lane awaiting more greenlanners getting a tad jealous over.
Was that you?
Any idea where I can get a silencer bracket for my EXC? It's the rear hanger bracket like in the pic that I'm after. -- Edited by TTR on Saturday 13th of October 2012 05:56:00 PM
hi,i heard from jack that someone was trying to get hold of me for brake lines from a ttr250 2004? who ever you are could you please pm. if for some reason i havnt replied with in a hour of you pm,please get hold of jack Delve and he'l get in contact with me and tell me. thank you and sorry for the long reply who e...
Hi all, looking at my next bike and wondered how the DR 350 coped on faster stretches of black stuff, know I know folks have covered many miles on these bad boys, but comfy at 60 (or 70 with the wind behind you) and how does that affect the economy? My TTR 250 felt like it needed a few more beans and lots of shif...
If your on the list below, you are missing your newsletter and other group communications, please sort it or PM me. Dave Copeland (over quota)Andrew leach (yer mail box is full, sort it out man)Oliver and Stephen Probert (you do not exist)Rob Blake (mailbox unavailable)Joe Leeming (invalid addr...
Anyone fancy a px/swap on my 07 sxf 250? I love the hell out of this bike, I'm not interested in selling just interested in what offers I would get as something might just tempt me 2 or 4t?