Having taken the tractor for its annual medical, and passed with flying colours I was heading towards Seaton from Axminster when some pillock braked pulled into the kerb and then just as I got alongside decided to turn right. The only course of action was to fly in close formation to said pillock. Formation flying became formation can opening as the two turning circles decreased in size. Finally coming to rest on the ground alongside. Damage to the tractor broken indicator lens and gear shift knob, and a scrape on the transmission cover.
Piccies of the Honda are self explanatory, All if this at a max 15 MPH
Me I have a bloody sore ankle and foot, will have a wonderful selection of bruises tomorrow, Treatment RICE Rest Ice Compression & Elevation followed later by a Chardonnay and Tramadol ****tail
Must remember next time I want to open a can of beans, the foot peg on the harley does a better job than some purpose designed can openers I have seen
Riding with enthusiasm upon the ragged precipice of disaster
Deja vu that is buddy, something similar happened to me a few years ago but i had a trip to casualty, but i got some compensation and lots of new parts on the Harley !!
Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!
Rotten luck mate. I assume the prat was completely oblivious and no chance of any signals to give you a clue. The Fiesta idle valve has arrived BTW. Please consult the oracle to see when she can spare the car.