I have just bought a new Ordnance Survey Map 115 Exmouth & Sidmouth Honiton Area.
I live in Somerset, there is pretty much no legal byways open here anymore. I thought Devon still had open legal byways across the county, How ever the new map shows no Byways for motor propelled vehicles only footpaths ??
Has Devon also lost right of ways on the byways, I was looking for some new legal lanes in Devon as Somerset is becoming more and more difficult.
Devon has relatively few BOATS as most of our unsurfaced roads are UCRs (93 BOATS to > 1400 UCRs). UCRs (or ORPAs) are shown on OS 1:25/k maps by green dots but legal entitlement for vehicles cannot be guaranteed by this hence OS's disclaimer.
Devon TRF members are entitled to a map overlay for Memory Map which shows not only what lanes are legal (determined through extensive research) but also has a brief description of the lanes character - some of our lanes are not for the faint hearted and the lone rider could all too easily get into trouble.
So, the best advice I could give is join the TRF (if you're not already a member) and tie up with some members in the area in which you wish to ride.
Confused too. How can you join a local group without being a member of the national organisation? I thought when you joined the national organisation you specify which local group you wish to belong to, if any. DHH on this forum (national membership secretary) will answer your queries I'm sure