Guy is nuts, if he doesn't want his GSX-R I'll have it Oh, and moved to RoW, because it is sort of and the colourful language isn't on the public part of our forum
Bad use of a good bike but how many of us can honestly say they haven't used an inappropriate bike on the lanes? I can't
My first 'legal' bike was a Vespa scooter (nasty thing that put me in hospital but that's another story). I took it down to Man Sands and burned the clutch out climbing the now TRO'd 202-314. I got towed out by a friendly farmer on his tractor. It was on this scooter I discovered 202-074, saw the light and limitations of such small wheels and bought a DT175.
I've even used my fully faired BMW R100RS on the odd dry lane... and some lanes not so dry. One day, while spectating a trial, I got it stuck, sunk up to its spindles, in a muddy lane out by Denbury. A Land Rover pulled up behind me but the driver claimed he had a bad back so couldn't help. Fortunately the two gorgeous young women with him were happy to slither around in the mud to push me out. Sadly we didn't carry helmet-cams in those days as there are probably websites now that would pay a lot to have that footage!