I just get images and a circling "Loading More Stuff" animation, but I can get the gist of it . Although a million miles apart, I had the chance of a mint black/gold 7X-7R recently, should've taken it methinks!
I think it a real shame that 'losers' like Beckham are household names and yet if you go into work and ask how many people know who Dunlop, Mc Guiness or Martin are and they will look blank - and they are all real winners and the sort of blokes I want my boy to 'aspire' to be - not some model who sounds like a nancy boy
Why did we have him involved with the olympics (don't get me started on that bleddy waste of dosh) I'd have love to have Guy Martin coming up the Thames on his barge with a mug of tea and setting off some home made explosives than watch that nancy boy with his pretty hair poncing about in his little speed boat
I'd have love to have Guy Martin coming up the Thames on his barge with a mug of tea and setting off some home made explosives than watch that nancy boy with his pretty hair poncing about in his little speed boat
Oh crap - thats it, been thinking of flogging the HD for a while cause of all the 'I got more wonga than u' types that have taken to riding them its only Mrs T that made me keep it as she likes going for the odd spin.....
Now he's got one I may have to nip out in a bit and burn it under cover of darkness - Oh god the shame, the embarrasment
I bet he has big mirrors and a little man following in a van to do his hair each time he stops and takes his lid off Wacky why oh why did you have to post that - I'm so depressed now
It's like Belstaff / Barbour jackets - had one for 25 years, brilliant and the best coat I ever had.....
I'd love to replace it but I cant afford one now cause they are 'fasionable' - what a load of bollocks see wacks you sent me right off one one now I bet he has one of them as well to go with his new toughty biker image
Tell me its a joke - he's not really got bikes has he???? please