"The vic ashford moor to sea" a great idea and one fitting tribute to a dedicated bloke who passed away recently
I hope they do rename it it was Vics dedication that saw this event start i rode the first one and did them untill it became part of the championship and the sections got really hard . for me it took the fun out of the event after all it was always geared as a fun event that took in some amazing scenery
i rode the first one and did them untill it became part of the championship and the sections got really hard . for me it took the fun out of the event after all it was always geared as a fun event that took in some amazing scenery
All of the sections which have a red champoinship route also have a white route suitable for everybody. The red routes I can barely walk never mind ride, awesome to watch experts showing their skills.
The only significant difference has been that the championship riders expect to be able to walk the sections first, whereas previously it was a 'no inspection' trial where you saw the section for the first time as you rode it.
Vic was very good at finding new bits of land to ride every year and this year the route was again drawn up by him (before his demise). There is a steep descent and a steep climb into and out of the grove which people will remember. Some favourites are the same as previous years and some sections are new.
The event is a very relaxed affair with a lovely atmosphere, a bit like a full days trail riding with sections at intervals along the way. Highly recommended but as Roger says get in quick because it is always oversubscribed.
If I catch you up then you are out, I'll be closing the course this year. Hoping to get back before it gets dark....
To whet your appetite here are some videos from last year
I remember laughing at that film the first time but i was almost out of control this time with laughter but then i shouldn't really coz i don't think i would have done any better but it was funny
A sllghtly disorienting video results from my tumble back downhill when the crm slips sideways on the slippery slate hidden under equally slippery leaf litter and spits me off at about the same place.
Rode the course today doing the marking out and there has been a lot of storm damage to the lanes. New gullies and other unexpected features will entertain riders along the way. Those who can't be bothered to read the directions will find helpful L, R & SO signs as well as arrows to point the way, if the cattle, sheep and NIMBYs haven't eaten them all. 202-007 has been cut out of the route because the ford is too deep, even the bridge is under water. Looking forward to doing it again tomorrow with observers in place doing the official badger spotting. All set for a splendid day out.