i would just like to wish all the members a very merry christmas and all the best for the comming year.
Since joining the dtrf i have met some great people and made a few new friends(collegues,riding buddys)and rode some of devon and cornwalls finest lanes.
i hope to meet a few more in the new year and enjoy a lot more laneing in 2013.
And a very Merry Christmas to all you merry DTRF folk. It's been nice riding with y'all this year and here's looking forward to more of the same for 2013 - and hopefully lots of new (to me) riding destinations, the first being Muddy Tracks in January. Start as we mean to go on ;0)
A BIG shout out to you all from Cornwall, I do like it when we get to ride with you guys, hope to meet a lot more of you in the new year for some more badger hunting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!