Mole Avon stock sealskinz, I got mine from the Okehampton branch, second pair really pleased with them, I wear ordinary socks under them and so far apart from when the water comes in over the top the ordinary socks have stayed dry
Couldn't get on with them - make my feet sweat too much. Genuine Sealskinz have a Merino wool liner which helps wick away sweat and bonus is they warm yer tootsies. Well worth the near-£40 asking price as they last for years. Careful you don't have a fast spin wash cycle as it can force water through the Goretex membrane and lessen their effectiveness. Never felt the need for any extra socks underneath. If you suffer from cold feet I guess it would help.
Got mine from the Camouflage shop in Paignton as well - not sure where else you can get them.
Caution - the poster may well have been drinking........
Careful you don't have a fast spin wash cycle as it can force water through the Goretex membrane and lessen their effectiveness. Never felt the need for any extra socks underneath. If you suffer from cold feet I guess it would help.
I am on my second pair. The first lasted about 5 years! Never felt the need to wash them. After a ride, I just turn them inside out to dry and air
Also not worn anything underneath and not suffered cold tootsies. Mind you, I won't go out on icy roads after an"incident" many years ago
Couldn't get on with them - make my feet sweat too much. Genuine Sealskinz have a Merino wool liner which helps wick away sweat and bonus is they warm yer tootsies. Well worth the near-£40 asking price as they last for years. Careful you don't have a fast spin wash cycle as it can force water through the Goretex membrane and lessen their effectiveness. Never felt the need for any extra socks underneath. If you suffer from cold feet I guess it would help.
Got mine from the Camouflage shop in Paignton as well - not sure where else you can get them.
I got my online, sealskinz are the best, Mole valley do them but only the short ones. you want at least the long ones that are just below the knee
I tried a camouflage shop......but I couldn't see it
I sell titanium lined neoprene socks used for diving, not completely waterproof but like a wet suit if the water gets in, it warms up and stays put. I use them in the winter and my feet are nice and warm
Also have thick and thin neoprene gloves, also nice and warm
Riding with enthusiasm upon the ragged precipice of disaster