Hi all, see if I get anymore responses in this section (tis in 'wanted') I'm looking to get a rack or some kind of mounting system to attach a topbox (yeah yeah I know) to my F650 GS it has something there at the moment but not really a scooby how I can and Givi do a set of arms and plate but it's £80 plus ! so thinking I should be able to find a man who can! and get something better made for less pennies?
Gaschef made up a system for me {quality production) I'm going to have a garage clear out soon and would sell it. It is intended for soft luggage so not the best solution for top box but it's an alternative. It was made for a BMW Xchallange and will no doubt need some adapting but not so much.
Thanks guys, it would be good if something was all but ready to go, but any adapting might well much into my feeble budget (having said that something that covered the twin cans might also help and stop it looking as much of a ladies bike lol) Failing that then I can chase Tim for something just for the box, the problem is it has a locket cubby that contains the seat realease so things are never as easy as you first think.