It has been suggested (and my enquiries so far back it up) that this is affecting those accounts which have an easy to guess ALL LOWER CASE password (the ones we've checked anyway). So if you have a YAHOO email account, go and change your password NOW for something which includes upper & lower case, as well as numbers and punctuation. Do your best to protect yourselves!
I'll post another article about password security ...
Oh dear - it looks like email addresses have also suffered. The latest emails came through with a date and time so my Hotmail rule doesn't work e.g. FW: 3/14/2013 4:13:56 AM in the subject heading.
Easiest just not to use Yahoo, it's utter pants. It's a bit like using AOL as your ISP
Not everbody uses the forum which has become the more convenient way of disseminating information. Easy to criticise Yahoo whose site we no longer need now sensitive froum areas are private, but since it has been the only way to contact all DTRFG members at once perhaps you know of a better way?
Did you know that it is possible to use AOL as your ISP and connect to the internet without using the AOL software, (which is pants), and thus get good quality unlimited access which never goes down?
Yes I do! When I looked after the website I built a secure phpbb forum - this allowed public areas, private areas, moderators areas and so on and you could further divide these if required. It also had secure downloads so instead of John having to reply to the many mails he gets asking for overlays, he could upload them once and members could grab them as they wanted (obviously this is one example, but you could put anything up there for download like RoW stuff, the Newsletter,etc. and target who could get it). Despite spedning several hours getting it set up and running, and then setting up a few users to test, none of them even logged in It got deleted a long time ago.....