Anyone know of a small bit of woods in ast Devon I can rent/pay by the day where my lad can do some Trials practice?
Have a few places he can go but more the better so he's not always in the same spot - trying to do it right and ensure he doesn't stray into places he shouldn't, but hell considering where we live in the middle of thousands of acres of countryside its next to impossible to find places to ride
No wonder the younguns tear round Tescos cark park on a Saturday night - they have no where to go, seemed to be loads of places when I was young - countryside wasn't full of bloody moaning NIMBY types then I guess
Anyways any help/pointers much appreciated - reply by PM best
Tiverton Motor club is largely a trials club these days. They told me a couple of weeks ago at their little fund raiser that it costs £2.50 to join (£5 if you want the bi-monthly news letter).
They use a bit of land behind the national trust property at Knights Hayes the North side of Tiverton.
Contact Mrs M Tarr, 17 Francis Crescent, Tiverton EX16 4EP