Due to ongoing problems with trying to email 400 or so newsletters each month, we need to find an alternative way do delivery your monthly newsletter, until this is sorted please find your newsletter stored on the national website.
The link below will take you to an area of the website. Please remember you must be logged in to view the members area on the National TRF Website and your National forum account email must match with that on the National Membership Database.
If you can not login please follow the onscreen instructions for forgot passwords/screennames or to register
In the background work is going on to host the Newsletter. The change of location was to save money (lots of money) as mass emailing via personal email is being stopped due to mass spamming issues.
Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!
Fixer used a special bit of Newsletter distribution software for his TVTR NLs back along which worked very well for him and got around the spam issue but still let NLs drop into email inboxes rather than needing to pull them down from a link.
I am pretty sure that I sent the details to Steve when he first mentioned the issue.
It gets around all the security and access issues as well.
What about stashing the newsletter PDF online using free space from Dropbox or WeTransfer (or similar) and providing the link to download it? Super quick and free.
Is this a ploy to merge all TRF forums into the national forum ??? Hmmmmm
No, it's me at my witts end trying to deliver your newsletter in the little spare time available, stupid replies such as that make me wanna say Bollox to it, if anyone else can do better then be my guest.