I have 15-20 old tyres. Mix of trials rears,Enduro front and rear. Most road legal,all usable dependant on how fussy you are.
i would take them to the tip but begrudge paying to dump something I bought it he first place. Any ideas on where I can get rid of them as a job lot. For free ?
You can stack them and grow potatoes, you keep adding soil and a tyre and get a mega crop. But I'd put them on Freecycle - its a yahoo group which I hate with a passion, but it works
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who dont!
What I don't get is how there are people in the far east trying to sneakily buy our used tyres to use as fuel, this trade is causing a shortage in supply to people that are trying to legitimately run a tyre recycling business making other products to resell... So we have short supply, and plenty of demand..., yet we still have to pay for them to be recycled - crazy!
These companies should be offering free collecting from council operated recycling centers, in which case desposal should be free!
I'll drop them round to your place later then Ian, when the mrs said 'get rid of all those bloody tyres' I don't think she meant stack them up and fill with pansies ! ...... I for one am not brave enough to suggest it either !!!!!