Would love to attend especially as my new bike arrives today. Slight problem it's my wife's 50th birthday. Do you think she'd mind if I brought her along as her birthday treat?
I do realise my new bike arriving on her birthday is a tactical error but worse things have happened on her birthday.
For her 30th I asked what she wanted and she said "oh nothing really" so I got her ..... Nothing. Apparently say you want "nothing" doesn't mean you don't want "anything".
Two years on the trot Lois Pryce turned up on her birthday. We ended up sleeping in the caravan as she was our guest and we let her use our bedroom - a lead balloon moment even though it was great seeing Lois.
And she hasn't used the electric sander she got for her 40th and it's a cracker! She did at least ask for that - I think.
P.S. If you buy your wife a rotary drier for valentines day like I did be sure to allow plenty of time to wrap the two bags of cement to hold the base support. You'll find that they will tear the wrapping paper really easily.