I just signed the petition "Peak District National Park Authority: We call on the Peak District National Park Authority to stop imposing Traffic Regulation Orders on our Green Lanes" on Change.org.
It's important. Will you sign it too? Here's the link:
Prepared by one of our members please get as many people as possible to sign this petition.
Please put it on your Forums and email to your friends.
_________________ Mike Irving Chairman, Cambs TRF and National TRF Communications Director BMW G450X, BMW GS1200 Adv Harley Davidson Sportster 1200 Custom
Only a couple of minutes and think of a little blurb to bolster the cause (even that's optional) don't be a moaning when they've all gone if you didn't at least try!
I don't know if everyone is aware how this petition works but every time it is signed the PDNPA gets sent an email...they should be getting to know what it is about by now!