Not sure, they were made right up till 2008 (but not been avalible in UK for many years) when emmission laws killer them - now has FI and as such they have started production again.
Blurb says you can order one from a UK dealer now. I like the fact with this and the XV that Yammy are now producing cheap, simple basic machines as a base for 'doing your own thing'. The one in the pic above is a new one 'done up' a bit by wrench monkeys for yammy as a 'show' bike to demonstrate what can be done to them.
Temting to take my redundancy, buy a couple and 'do em' to flog on as I bet they would sell to those who want a mild chop based on a new bike but don't have the time/where with all to do it themselves......the Brat style seems to be the 'in thing' right now
There is a chap out at Turks head garage called Williams who has had a SR as long as I can remember, had it since the Mid 80's as I recall - rides it to work every single day.....