I recived this yesterday - makes interesting reading especially the part about the railways act 1970 - which we need to be aware of. Just because there is a Vech ROW on 'a lane' it does not mean the right exists over the railway no matter what the LOS, DM&S or OS maps may say.
Please feel free to share and put on national forum.
This is very sad indeed and brought back memories of when my self and a mate were crossing a line in Dorset about two years ago it was only a small crossing with room for only a couple of bikes to stand before crossing my mate turned to shut the gate and as we turned back to move off a speeding train passed it would of been so easy for us to have just moved of and it shook us both up for a wile as we realised how close we had come . I couldn't imagine how I would feel if I was in a group and you lost one of your riding mates like this . It was good of Jon to highlight this as it is very easily done as I nearly found out