Ive seen that problem on several dirt bikes over the years, KTM, Yam and Honda CRF.
Ive also had a particularly bad experience with a new, then, 2003, Gasser, which was the worst Friday night bike that I have ever owned.
Having said that, Gas Gas are a real enduro bike and are lovely to ride, some of the trimmings are a bit Eastern European.
There will be a reason for such a failure, be careful to pin that reason down, else it might well happen again!
Maybe lost a tooth that then lodged where it shouldnt have?
The force to shatter a gear like that is huge, loadings on bearings also huge.
I would replace all gearbox bearings, no matter how good they feel, they arent expensive from my recollection.
Check the forums to see if anyone else has suffered such a failure, maybe a bad bunch of gears, probably not likely.
Best of luck, tiz a bit of headache!
I was going to say that!
Thought MOE might take umbridge so managed to refrain!
But since you put it so clearly - still a bummer though!
On closer inspection, looks like damage aint very limited, sadly.
Once had a Quaife gearbox on a norton commando do exactly the same but at 120 mph. Quaife were the strongest boxes available at the time, reason for failure a duff bearing, which appeared fine but on further inspection allowed the main shaft to move pinch a tooth, which then sheared and jammed the box, the rest was a pileof bits ejected a speed down the road. You never can tell what will fail
Riding with enthusiasm upon the ragged precipice of disaster
Now then everything connected to this bike is done through the frame number I hope you can see ?read the dotted outline on your frame .
If not then your in real trouble gas gas used to farm out for gear clusters and although matched to each other ,not to each supplier
You need that frame number
bit of both peter,not my bike,don't deal with thor kerry,bunch of idiots/crooks,got all the bits from haines in glos,what i call proper people who know what there talking about and have everything on the shelf,interesting bit of info kerry