Anyone know where I can get the zip on my Sinisalo replaced?
Damn thing bust Sunday morning.
KTM Sunday = ATM Monday
DTRF kd101146eb
KronreifTrunkenpolzMattighofen wrote:Anyone know where I can get the zip on my Sinisalo replaced? Damn thing bust Sunday morning.
4 strokes good, 2 strokes better
Complexity is the enemy of reliability
Biff wrote:KronreifTrunkenpolzMattighofen wrote:Anyone know where I can get the zip on my Sinisalo replaced? Damn thing bust Sunday morning. Klim
'He who dares wins'trf member ;-) qy100112bw
wackyracer wrote:Biff wrote:KronreifTrunkenpolzMattighofen wrote:Anyone know where I can get the zip on my Sinisalo replaced? Damn thing bust Sunday morning. Klim Mortgage
Quality costs..
will know if that's true next year ....