For what it is worth, tried most.
If you have to! - you can get home flat front and rear.
On the lanes you can run at almost anything, on the road needs to be about 8psi upwards.
From an ideal point of view, stick to the pressure that the tyre manufacturers suggest.
They didnt spend a lot of money with the design etc for everyone to come with the back of a fag packet design.
For those reasons I run 12 - 14 psi front and and 10 to 16 rear.
I think they are a major leap forwards in MX / enduro technology.
Punctures virtually a thing of the past and more to the point the tyres will work the way the manufacturer intended.
The limiting factor in how hard you can hit a rock is the strength of the rim itself!!
You would have to be exceedingly unlucky to puncture a tubliss on a rock, unless a very specifically sharp rock might get right down into the rim well.
10 to 12 front and 8 to 10 rear seems to give me the best traction and ride. Having no tube in the rear especially allows the tyre wall to flex really well and deliver astonishing grip (MT43 at least)