Well its happened at last. After coming up through the ranks of Mx and more lately enduro, my little 6' lads just hit 16 and on Saturday (his birthday), completed his cbt - with a nice Rieju MRT pro waiting for him when he got home. We went out and did a few overgrown lanes on Saturday evening and the heavens opened on us and we came home soaked - but had a great 90 minutes riding. Bike handled the lanes really well.
Yesterday we were at Endurorocks where he was riding his KTM 150xc in the morning race (he did really well) and then was marshalling in the afternoon.
Then today back on the little bike and off we went completing over 30 lanes around south hams (trying to stay away from the overgrown ones). Was a little embarrased by the fact that if the lane was flat or downhill and has any level of technicality thEn he right behind my 250 smoker all the way. Only really got left behind when things started to climb steeply, fire road or Tarmac.
Conquered small lane (202-130) with ease and managed a very slippy slatey-corner (202-096) with a slight bit of assistance (I wasn't much better myself!). Only lane that the little engine really struggled to get up was suicide alley (-063) - had to turn around half way up. He loved the technical climb of washed out (-085). His badger count was zero. I confess to a drop myself.
Only thing that did upset him was getting stung above his top lip by a wasp that flew straight into his helmet.
I think I'll look to go up 1 or 2 teeth on his rear sprocket to aid the steeper climbs - hopefully that will get him up suicide.
Anyway he had a great time, loved our lanes - and even when I let him lead he rode within safe/wise limits of the lane - knowing the hazards of walkers, horses, dogs and the worse fear of another bike coming just as fast in the opposite direction.
First of many green lanes rides I think. I'm sure he'll introduce himself on here real soon.
Well done !! & Happy birthday to T
I'd love to join you 2 sometime out for a days laning - I am off with a crook back at the moment - and the lanes are pretty overgrown - but we'll have to hook up in the autumn mate