Is it me or is there a lot of bikes up for sale at the moment, the question is are riders deserting our great activity that is laning ?
Took the Queens Shilling and disappeared for 23 Years !!
Sold mine to get better one
Well that's good so far !!
Best time of year to sell!
Exeter area - Devon TRF Group member - THE forum for TTR250 owners
'4 wheels move the body - 2 wheels move the soul'
Sold 2 & bought 3 this year... so far...
err haven't sold a bike since 1995 ... tend to keep hold of them...might have to get one with an electric starter one day
was it turn left or was it right...ahhhhh
KTM Sunday = ATM Monday
DTRF kd101146eb
The little Honda? :-/
jt wrote:Sold one myself tonight..... not that I was sure I wanted to :-/
Sold one myself tonight..... not that I was sure I wanted to :-/
the little Honda? :-/
Just upgraded mine
KronreifTrunkenpolzMattighofen wrote:jt wrote:Sold one myself tonight..... not that I was sure I wanted to :-/ the little Honda? :-/
Nope.....KJ's KTM
jt wrote:KronreifTrunkenpolzMattighofen wrote:jt wrote:Sold one myself tonight..... not that I was sure I wanted to :-/ the little Honda? :-/ Nope.....KJ's KTM
You about on thurs for a few hours ?
Sold a couple of spare TTRs and bought my first road bike in years..... This one is 4 years younger than I am
Pukka - love it, when we going for a spin then
Can I join too (ES2 or Puch)?
lanesteg wrote:Picking up a new shiny one tomorrow
Picking up a new shiny one tomorrow
Not so shiny now