The Devon Trf RoW team have investigated a concern from a few of its members regarding the legal status of this green road, on more than one occasion have the people in the house interrupted trail riders on their day to tell them its not legal
Confirmation form
John Baker DCC PRoW warden confirmed its legal and HMPE - Highways maintained at public expense
Its on the list of streets along with a land charges check
There is however concerns form house owners on the green road saying its not a legal through route of any kind - YES IT IS
Be Polite when or if you encounter these people, clearly state its a legal road with public access for all!
Thank you so much for your enquires, Please carry on riding!
The unhappy residents at Chillaton are believed to have lived in this area for years, and they may also own all the land around, but the lane IS a Public Highway.
I have asked the PROW warden John Baker to pay the residents a visit, but that may not change their approach to passing riders. So, as Wacky says, stay polite
and keep riding it.
Here is an extract from Devon County Councils Land Charges dept, dated 22nd July 2020. Coloured BROWN is Public Highway so legal to ride.
edited version so you know what we're referring to