what are your preferred navigation devices you use on the bike, Im probably looking to use memory map to plan routes, what do you all find best and easiest to use.
Garmin Montana 600 running Memory map & plotting routes with M.map on lap top, transfer route to Montana via lap top
I have two Road Angels for sale if you want to try a cheap entry level into navigation, runs M.map on a waterproof device, tons of people use to use these devices (including me) then moved on to something else. Good units will need a live feed from battery, mind you I think all units need a live feed
I use XGody chinese truck sat nav, 7", cos Im blind.
Done me for 5 years, MM, cost £35 delivered in the day.
Plus w/proof case £14
Bonus - nobody will steel it and I wont burst into tears whn smashed.
I use better on my TET bike, but still Ying Tong, about £100. Really good screen and 100% waterproof.
Yup, can second that!!
Maps, you can relate one village to the other etc.
I went with a friend N to S France.
I didn't have either.
Loved the trip, but not a clue where I was overall