Dear AllWith the AGM coming up Firstly Id like to thank you for your support this year. Secondly, I'd like to ask you if you'd be interested in getting more involved with the running of your club? Below is a list of officers, without which the club cannot function effectively. We already have a numb...
HOLSWORTHY MOOR CLUB Xmas Pud Fancy Dress Charity Bike Trial ALL CLASSES TRIALS, ENDURO, TRAIL, PIT BIKE COME AND HAVE A GO A GREAT DAY OUT To be held in aid of the North Devon Chemotherapy Unit Appeal Sunday 29th December 2013 Complimentary soup & roll as usual Ivyleaf Woods (near Stratt...
hi i saw on hear yesterday someone asking about a lane if it was ridable had a gate one end with a blue sqare dead end sign and lane passed though a farm near chillaton anyway i stated i passed through it yesterday and asked a question but i cant seem to find the topic now will this of been deleted
Well y'all know I've been contemplating getting a 4T as I have too much arm/hand/shoulder pain whilst riding my KTM200. love the bike, it's always been a bit of a handfull but recently the riding pain has been too much. A ride last week on a 250 exc-f was pretty painless. When I bought the bike I was told...
Anyone got any ideas can't seem to copy and paste my pictures from photo bucket anymore Even when I selected the smiley from are forum page when writing this it doesn't show up as a smiley face until I submit the post but a web address www. etc is the problem with my laptop? photobucket? forum? PLEASE HELP...
Looking for a 3 finger pivot clutch lever like the Zeta or ASV type or something similar for my 08 WR250F. The original lever is quite a stretch and not comfortable. Will be at the AGM tomorrow if anyone can help.
Good evening from Cornwall. Out and about with the crew today in West Cornwall and my starter jammed, no real problem there but the downside is that the bendix tried to make an exit through the casing and made a hole in it. As the KTM 2 stroke leccy starts are well known for lets say, being rubbish, some rid...
Has anybody got any box profile type roofing sheets as l am looking to cover an area of 4 m x2.5 m.I live in South Brent and can collect by trailer. cheers Pete
Heads up all, the law pulled Graham after a Mot and cautioned him for a smaller than lawful plate also font was not acceptable (3D) and it was not vertical to the road, PC said they are having a clamp down in the area. Graham was pulled in Exmouth so not sure how big the area is. The most worrying aspect is it s...
Here we go, all UK riders are on EXC's, bar one which is on a 690RR, and some bloke on a CRF The only choice. -- Edited by KronreifTrunkenpolzMattighofen on Friday 6th of December 2013 07:05:33 PM
as above i need a person with a trailer or tipper to remove about 2 ton of rubble from my garden, it will be loaded with a mini digger so no heavy lifting involved, if anyone can help i would apriciate it. i did it last time myself by hireing a tipper trailer but no one has one to rent anymore. cheers dave
Since I've been with the TRF there has been a good warm promotion of the annual DTRF AGM (which I'm assuming is next Tuesday 10th Dec), encouraging people to go and having reservations made for a Christmas meal at the Dolphin before the fun begins. Maybe I've missed the post but there seems to be very lit...
I have a school project which i am about to start and i have a bike but no engine, just checking on here if anyone has a spare they would like to sell please.
hi ive been recomended to use rm trail riding in wales he is ement to be a nice guy and good trips and cost are £30 per day per rider over groups of 6 £40 for under 6 but he is in north wales llangollen dont ask me how to prenouce it any recomendations please feel free to share
Hi I know a few of you have the Alpinestars RJ-5 Rain Jacket and could do with some help on the sizing. I usually wear a xl jacket, do i need an xxl over jacket to fit over an lx jacket or have the manufactures taken this into account. So what size Alpinestars RJ-5 Rain over jacket do I need to buy to fit over an...
took out tpft on my blade today. added my old man to the policy, extra £389 quid off premium :) got a good deal, helmet and leathers cover, RAC breakdown, 6months euro cover, insured to ride other bikes with TP, and 5 days courtesy bike if i need one. for £701 a year for a 21 year old on a honda 1000 rr6 i have a...