If you think it looks good wait till he starts it....stunning bike And if thats not working (as it don't seem to be ) Click here instead -- Edited by jt on Thursday 12th of July 2012 07:46:14 PM
Just found this video, i recognise it in the plymouth area! just goes to show what ruthless people are around giving bikers bad names theese days, absolutely disgusting! Good though?
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TRIALS-BIKE-RIDING-EXPERIENCE-Scorpa-Sherco-Trials-bikes-/160829080669?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item257229045d#ht_566wt_922-- Edited by D13dkt on Tuesday 10th of July 2012 08:36:54 PM
Hi I want a network free simple cheap phone to use trails riding. No internet or farkles just phone and text with if possible long battery life. If you have one or have seen a deal somewhere please post. Thanks.
I cant remember who is the current events organiser, i remember someone put themselves forward recently, an cant for the life of me find the post. Anyone know?
As above, are these any good as a all round greenlaner.?
They look a bit cheaply built and don't look like they would stand up to a few years of Devon lanes.
Intersested to see if any one has one and what they are like to get on with
I objected to the closure and have just had this email in response:Thank you for responding to the Transforming DVLA Services public consultation which ran from 13 December 2011 until 20 March 2012. The results have all been analysed and considered and we can now advise that Ministers have agreed t...
Copied from ktmforum.co.uk : 'Basically, if you use a smartphone, the picture will have GPS location data embedded, the time you took the photo and the type of smartphone used!!! All a Pikey thief needs to do is open a website .....Right click the bike's photo, copy the URL onto the webpage and Bish Bas...
Hi Folks I'm new to this game and although I can ride off rd using skills gained from road riding and mountain biking it's a steep learning curve . I know you have to learn the hard way and that's normally by doing it but is there anyone/anywhere local to exeter that could offer a novice rider good advice...